We love it and we think you might too.

Natalie’s Blog
A little over 2 years ago, I met my boyfriend Connor. In a whirlwind of love and excitement, we teamed up early on and dove into starting a new business together. The Canning House has become our love child, and while it is anything but easy- there is no one I would rather be in business or life with.
And now here we are, starting another business almost a year later. Grocer Collective is the new baby of the family.
There are so many stories that are the story of the canning house, but it only seems right that I start by telling the one with the kombucha.
As you may know by now, the Kombucha and I - we have this thing. It wasn’t planned and it just *poof*-happened-. I didn’t grow up wanting to start and run a Kombucha business, but I did always want to make people happy. I wanted to make things, and make people happy with them. The making was a half of the whole, incomplete without sharing.
Chocolate Cake is one of my favorite foods…ever. Yes, I say this about a lot of foods (cakes and otherwise), but when it really comes down to it- I LOVE Chocolate Cake. I recently decided to make my very favorite of them all- the classic Hershey’s Chocolate Cake. There are so many clever ways to swap ingredients these days, but when it comes down to it- I knew I wouldn’t want to change one thing about this recipe. I mean it is my favorite after all!
The only way Mustard could become any better than it already is, is for it to have Kombucha in it. It might sound a little funky, but rest assured-this little project yields a really delicious Mustard. And since you’re making it yourself, you can customize it any way you’d like. This method yields a nice thick and chunky mustard, perfect for just about everything! Kombucha Mustard, who knew!?
There are so many things that you can do with Kombucha. Over the past 5 years that I’ve been brewing Kombucha- I still haven’t run out of experiments. One of the easiest ways to incorporate more Kombucha into your diet is to make a super simple Kombucha Salad Dressing.